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Benefits for Virtual Event Sponsors

Chati Team
November 1, 2022

Event sponsorships have traditionally taken place in person at events. Event sponsors promote their products and services in exchange for providing financial assistance. These sponsorships often take the form of a trade show or conference booth, along with mentions on social media posts and event websites. 

The shift towards events that take place online has revealed many benefits of sponsoring virtual events. While traditional promotional tactics (like branded booths, social media posts, merchandise, and a presence on an event website) are still relevant in the virtual space, virtual event sponsors can often access more data and reach a wider audience at a lower cost. 

Differentiate your brand

Including virtual event sponsorships in your marketing strategy can set your brand apart. Since virtual events are still relatively untested in the marketing world, some event sponsors are reluctant to sponsor virtual events. This is good news for event sponsors willing to tread untested waters—sponsoring a virtual event can be a way to reach new audiences. 

Virtual events generally attract a more tech-savvy crowd, which is great news for technology sponsors. Virtual events can also be more niche than in-person events, which is an excellent opportunity to seek out a sponsorship that fits your brand exactly. Virtual event sponsors can typically be pickier about virtual event brand deals than in-person deals. 

Reach a larger, more directed audience

Virtual events can reach attendees worldwide with minimal travel costs and time investment. This can significantly bolster event attendance and offer virtual event sponsors a larger reach. 

An organized event planner will also be able to provide more specific data about the demographics for a virtual event than an in-person event. During online registration, attendees typically include job titles, company names, home locations, and ages. This data can provide event sponsors with ample information to tailor their sponsorship directly to the event’s audience. 

Opportunities to interact with attendees in a unique way 

Virtual events open the door to unique interactions with attendees. Sponsor-driven networking sessions can be custom tailored to attendee interests at the click of a button. This highly individualized experience can drive attendee engagement with sponsors. 

Event sponsors can also offer consulting sessions with event attendees. For example, an event sponsor offering a web-based technology solution can meet with event attendees in a virtual room to give a run down on pricing models and technical support. These personalized experiences can give event attendees a detailed picture of how an event sponsor’s offerings would fit with their business model. 


Sponsoring a virtual event is generally more affordable than sponsoring an in-person event. Event sponsors can expect to save money on travel, staffing, and in-person giveaways. A lower cost and the potential for virtual events to attract more attendees can result in substantial payoffs for event sponsors. 


Virtual event sponsorships are better for the environment than in-person event sponsorships. While this is good news for everyone, it’s also great news for brands whose mission aligns with sustainability. 

Brands that promote sustainability may come across as disingenuous while handing out wasteful swag items at in-person events. Virtual events also reduce carbon emissions associated with travel. Eco-conscious brands should consider switching to virtual event sponsorships to maintain brand messaging.  

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